Compare Texas Registered Agents
Compare Texas registered agents before you hire one.
Consider why you have a registered agent in Texas for your company in the first place.
Your Texas registered agent is your point of contact for:
- Citations and petitions when you are sued
- Notices from the Texas Secretary of State
- Notices from third parties, like creditors
- Junk mail
To compare Texas registered agents for your corporation or limited liability company we’ve made the list of things to consider below. While the registered agent is usually an afterthought for most people, you should give serious consideration to the following items when choosing:
1. How long has the company been around?
You don’t want a fly-by-night company. The registered agent will be the first point of contact for official business if you’re sued. How bad would it be if you got sued, didn’t find out about it because the registered agent folded, and then had a judgment taken against you? Our law firm has been operating since 2003.
2. How does the company handle mail?
Most mail received by the registered agent is junk mail – will they save it and forward it to you or throw it away?
We throw junk mail away unless you tell us otherwise. Regular mail (bills, invoices, etc) should not be sent to us as we do not forward that kind of mail.
3. How does the company handle official mail?
The rubber meets the road when citations are served, return-receipt mail comes in the door, or government notices arrive. Will the registered agent scan and email them to you? Will they overnight them to you? Will they mail them to you? How quickly? Who pays and what are the fees?
We will scan and email you official notices. We will also call you if a lawsuit is served. You will be liable for overnight shipments or mailings at the cost we incur on your behalf.
4. What if you are sued?
The timing to file an answer is critical when you are sued. Delay is not an option. We can review the petition, tell you when the answer is due, and possibly file an answer on your behalf (Texas only).
5. What is the cost?
Our fee in Texas is $100 per year (with extra fees for overnight delivery or forwarding mail). That fee has not changed since we started the registered agent service in 2007.
6. What is their reputation?

Check their rating and reputation. Ask around. You’ll see that we are the top rated service in Texas.
So what happens if you hire a non-attorney to act as your registered agent in Texas and you get sued?
The company will overnight you the citation and petition. You then have to call or go online to find a lawyer in Texas to file an answer for you.
In the meantime, you lose valuable time to respond. In Texas, you generally have 20 days plus the next Monday to answer, but the time will fly by faster than you anticipate. In addition, you may have to find a specialist for your suit and you may not know you need one until you have gone through several attorneys, losing more time. This of course, adds stress which you don’t need.
When you hire us to be your Texas registered agent, we will:
- Scan the petition and email it to you
- Review the petition and let you know if you need a specialist to file an answer
- Let you know if we can file an immediate answer for you
- File an immediate answer for you, even if you later decide to hire another attorney to represent you (separate agreement and fee required for legal services)
- Overnight the citation and suit to you if you so desire (at your expense)
You simply cannot get that service from just any registered agent. Consider that our prices are extremely competitive and it’s a no-brainer when you compare Texas registered agents.