Notice Methods

Registered Agent Notice Methods


Notices are Important

There is probably nothing more important for your business than to timely receive important notices when they arrive.

It’s pretty much THE reason you hire a registered agent.

Yet, many registered agents are both slow to get you the notice and also will only email it to you.

Superior Notification Service

Our system notifies you multiple ways.

First, everyone you designate will get an email notice. Everyone means all the people you choose. No limits. No extra cost.

Next, if you choose, any person you choose will get a text message that a notice or lawsuit was served. No limits. No extra cost.

Lastly, if you choose, any person you choose will get a fax copy of the notice or lawsuit. No limits. No extra cost.

If you are served with a lawsuit, you will also be called to let you know that a lawsuit was served.

Additionally, you can download your notices any time from any location you have an internet connection. They are stored with bank-grade security.

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